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iPhone Etching
If I was ever to get my iPhone engraved this is exactly what I'd want written on it. Somebody buy this man a cookie, he's a freaking comedy genius!
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Arachnophobia is a debilitating affliction. You don't even need to be a sufferer to feel it's sting. If your flatmate has it, you could come home to this.
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NO, she's not a test pilot in a broom factory, but someone who can still wield a broom into the air without using her hands. Fear her!
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If you're a fan of getting drunk, the good thing about it is there's always a reason to do it, no matter what day it is or what you've got to do the next day, they'll always be an excuse to get absolutely wasted.
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There's three front-runners to pick from, each of them highly plowable, but you can only have one! Which one would you pick and why? It's like shag, marry, kill, but without the death and marriage.
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This brought back memories of hours of irritating my parents by constantly boinging this magical door stop spring!
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Yeah, you didn't really handle it, did you, Tom? I saw Jurassic Park, and I wouldn't say any of those dinosaurs were well handled. Sort it out, dude.
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It’s a dilemma many of us face. Should I choose Becca, Vanessa, Ally or Amber? Decisions, decisions. Thank the good Lord that someone like Mikeyjam’s on hand to help sort shit out.
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Rappers do! Seriously though, it's about time the video game violence debate was put to bed. Games are no worse than any other form of media.
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I'm not sure where this is, but they definitely need to budget a little extra money to the police department for next year!
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When a son goes off to university, it can be a traumatic time for the father. They like to appear strong, but inside, they hurt. Their little boy is becoming a man and that can be painful. Or dad could have a degenerative disease.
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