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FIRST SNIFF (First Kiss Parody)
Behold, the astonishing beauty and joy of the moments when dogs first sniff each other's butts for the first time—and it's much more entertaining than seeing some actors pretend to snog for the first time to sell clothes.
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You may or may not have heard of Snuff Box, and if you haven’t, it’s time to get introduced with this sketch where Matt and Rich find Elton in their recording studio. Bad move Elton, bad move.
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With all the repugnant crap that George Lucas has done in terms of cashing in on his past successes, you'd have thought a decent idea like doing a Star Wars manga would have happened by now. Nope. This is a fan project.
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In this funny parody commercial by Barely Political, McDonald's attempts to keep up with the times by rolling out some bold new changes to keep up with the times.
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Some naked guy makes his way onto a horse track.. and falls on his face. LOL
Comments: 7
It's halloween and Carmen is looking sexy dressed as a kitty - MEEEOW!
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If you don't have the stomach to sit through the combined awfulness of the Transformers trilogy but want to know what happens, this video is for you. It cuts through all the terrible dialogue and gets straight to the lolz.
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The next in the new line of Star Trek movies is nearly upon us. It's nothing like the old ones and has lots of flashy CGI effects so it'll do well at the box office, but will it actually be any good? Place your bets now!
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The Milwaukee Bucks are known for the rallying cry 'fear the deer'. This was very wise words if you ate at Menomonie restaurant where 2 deer crashed through a glass door disrupting 100's of Bucks fans watching the game.
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What if one day you woke up and everything you'd known, everything you'd loved was gone. Starring Olivia Munn and Mr. Feeny, this spoof trailers is an adrenaline packed rollercoaster ride. With tits.
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I didn't know there was such a thing as finger exercising.. let alone finger ballet LOL
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