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Sweet Victoria The Rookie
Having risen to the top of her game cute little Victoria switched webcam companies and now has the task of climbing to the top of the hottie tree all over again - With a look like that it shouldn't take her long!
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How Hipster are you? Even if you've got glasses with no lenses, sailor tats and a ridiculous haircut, the chances are you probably don't have an Apple device attached to dermal anchors in your wrist...
Comments: 1
It's not just humans who can do impression things while filming themselves with a GoPro camera, animals can look super cool on these wearable cameras—and here's a bunch of them doing just that.
Comments: 2
Truly a wonderful WTF? OMG, it had me ROFLMAO! Amazingly UBER L337!
Comments: 1
You can't make them laugh, you can't get them angry, and you can't even stop them with a nasty stomach virus.
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Girl can dance! Woo's crowd AND it looks like she's having a great time. - COOL
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A basketball shot from a 500 foot tower into a moving goal? Is it fake and gay or maybe just gay and fake? There's only one way to find out, watch the vid and then judge it.
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Italians sure have got a strange sense of humor— Turns out this guys isn’t holding him at gunpoint because he wants his money, he wants something much more personal than that.
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What the HELL did this chick eat for lunch??? Whatever it was it's silent and most definitely violent - WOW! We can confidently tell her the burning sensation goes away quickly, but the reputation lasts a while - OWNED!
Comments: 1
This lesson will help you explode cantaloupes and summon angry unicorns in no time! After you’ve accomplished these, the next thing to master is complaining about how everything’s not death metal.
Comments: 5
How nerdgasmic is this? This pretty lady's name is Kohl Black and this Vulcan beauty is going through Pon Farr, which basically means she's in heat. But who cares? Well, WE DO!! She's hawt and she's keen on ritual disrobing. Win.
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