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Then And Now FAIL!
Prepare to witness a journey from pretty girl to hot chick to human sink plunger in only 7 years. It's a good lesson in the IS a limit to trying to look beautiful - OMG!
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So, the trailer for Mel's latest movie was out this week and we've already seen a mash-up with his hate-filled rants. And now, we get this. So now we have a recovering alcoholic Mel viciously screaming at a Bieber-beaver puppet.
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Some dogs just want to watch the world burn. This one however just wants a nice glass of Chianti and a cigar the width of his own leg. Too much to ask?
Comments: 0
If it wasn't already dead, it definitely is now. reporting that one celebrity has unfollowed another celebrity as if it is something that should matter to anybody is the sound of journalistic failure.
Comments: 1
No pet enjoys having to wear the "cone of shame", but mockery clearly isn't going to help. Still, if I had to wear one of these I'm sure I'd get mocked too.
Comments: 3
Ok, we all know there's a lot of things Obama has done wrong during his first term of presidency, but something tells me he is making up for that in spades if his recent activity is anything to go by?
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It was not his quest for life saving techniques that made Anakin Skywalker delve into the dark side. It was irritation and ridicule!
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Now, tell me.. was it REALLY necessary for there to be THAT many??
Comments: 1
So you've seen all those photobomb pics of guys making silly faces behind hot chicks or naked guys walking behind hotties at the beach. This is NOT one of those.
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If you dive into the murky depth of the ocean in search of thrills and adventure you might just find it! Problem is it might be waay bigger than you and in the mood for a tasty human snack.
Comments: 2
Wow! What a nice tight perfect butt! Someone please comment and tell us who this hottie newscaster is!
Comments: 4