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Running With The Bulls MEGA FAIL!
Scary TruTV clip shows what happens when one guy falls at the running of the bulls, causing pandemonium and sixty injuries
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I guess that men will never grow bored of this sight, hoever many times they watch it :)
Comments: 28
It’s a driver’s prerogative to sing along to the radio in the most dramatic way possibly, but what’s your technique?
Comments: 0
All those shitty pop hits that come steaming out of the hit factory like a turd falling from the sky and landing in your piano-shaped swimming pool. You could do better, right? I bet you could even do it in 8 hours!?
Comments: 0
Well, this is what happens when you sit at home with a camera and a computer.. LOL
Comments: 2
Wow this chick has the skills to pay the bills, well maybe not but she can peel a banana with her feet which is pretty damn cool.
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The proper technique for picking up girls at the gym. For a strong pull, set up is important. Visualization, confidence, and a certain swagger is crucial for successful execution & post pickup celebrations are of utmost importance.
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A fascinating creature that can mimic any sound it hears in the forest. So that means other animals and… Rebecca Black’s hit “Friday”? Huh? WHY!? Even the woodlands of Australia aren’t safe from the horror of that pop turd.
Comments: 2
Nothing says it’s Christmas like the crew of HMS Ocean singing the Mariah Carey Christmas classic, draped in tinsel, dressed as presents, sitting on the toilet — it doesn’t matter what they do.
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Another angry customer fails at destroying restaurant property. Didn't he see the 'slippery floor' sign?
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For some reason there's nothing quite as gratifying as watching an abject failure played out in glorious slow motion. The only thing that can improve on this formula is having a mate in the background not giving a single fuck.
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