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Nathan For You: The Claw of Shame
Nathan Fielder handcuffs himself to a metal frame and gives himself 90 seconds to escape before a robotic claw pulls down his pants in front of a crowd of children, with a police officer standing by to arrest him.
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Sam Jackson is THE MAN. If you need any more proof of this fact then I would like to draw your attention to exhibit A. He kills a whole bunch of unarmed civilians to the theme song from Team America. This happened last week. FACT.
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The dynamic power struggles of Westeros transposed to average office environment. Just be grateful that Danni in marketing doesn’t have a trio of dragons at her disposal to do her bidding.
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American television host Howie Mandel (Deal or No Deal, America’s Got Talent) went away to New York, so YouTube prankster Roman Atwood played a prank on him.
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Time for an overdose of adorbz! If you're not imagining a miniature scale hotel full kittens padding around, talking to each other then we're on totally different wavelengths my friend.
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WINNING!!! We’re all winning now because the internet is full to the brim with Charlie Sheen winning and snorting 7 gram rocks up his eyeballs. You can’t search for a cat video or some pr0n without Charlie rearing his manic head.
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If you are gonna impress a crowd then make it something BIG & dangerous, people like to think you might die. He flips over a guy in a wheel chair & builds up to clearing a Honda NSX going pretty damn fast.
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When the Sorting hat tells you that you're a Hufflepuff there is some good news and some bad. The bad news is that you're as dumb as a bag of hammers. The good news is that you'll be given plenty of nice crayons to play with...
Comments: 6
One of the benefits of watching this is you'll learn a new phrase, or maybe a few. But the phrase that makes it all worthwhile is: snatch flaps. That's right, snatch flaps. Try & drop it into every conversation you have today?
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I've never been shark fishing before so this could be a normal reaction from a Mako shark, but it's still pretty impressive. Personally I would have thrown the rod overboard and booted it back to shore as fast as possible. Then changed my pants.
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Attempting a backflip on a tiny bike like this might sound safer than using a big boy bike, but that does't mean it's without danger, as this guy finds out. Bet he's glad he was wearing a helmet...
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