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Iron Lady
See? If this was the movie poster I might have gone to see that movie. If that wizened old bitch had sunk the Belgrano with a repulsor blast I'd probably think she was way cooler too.
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Everyone's always got a name for the little fella, usually it's one of affection or bravado. So here's a list of various names and the reasons for them. They go from the ridiculous to the sublime.
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If there was ever a cat that possessed the right attributes and way of thinking to take over from Darth Sidious, it has to be Grumpy Cat. Cute AND evil! Awww.
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Up in the heavens a cosmic ballet unfolds across the blackness of space, stars are born, solar systems die, as creation and destruction intertwine like lovers. But back here on earth, we've got far more important things to do.
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If you're a fan of getting drunk, the good thing about it is there's always a reason to do it, no matter what day it is or what you've got to do the next day, they'll always be an excuse to get absolutely wasted.
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The trouble with being 'man's best friend' is that you also become 'man's young daughter's best friend' and have to do stuff that was definitely NOT on the pet manifest. The shame.
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Well I bet this kid didn't expect this. You think the stripper may've reconsidered performing once she realised she was in a classroom. But no, she valiantly stripped on. Go girl.
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This is such a blatant double-entendre that it makes you wonder if maybe she subconsciously meant to post it - LMAO!
Comments: 4
Some kids will go to any lengths to get their parent's attention, sometimes it goes waay too far - "Will you give me attention now? What about now, am I interesting yet?"
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He fits!... barely
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Oh lawd. Two things that should never be seen together have actually been combined. Intentionally. What fresh hell is this? SOCKS AND SANDALS!? NOOOOO!!!!
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