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Hoping To Get In Touch With Yourself?
Don't bother trying to do it on Facebook. Why do you have to go and get all existential on us Facebook??
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If it wasn't already dead, it definitely is now. reporting that one celebrity has unfollowed another celebrity as if it is something that should matter to anybody is the sound of journalistic failure.
Comments: 1
If you've ever managed to get 3 saucepans, a pyrex dish, two mixing bowls and a full compliment of crockery into a dishwasher, you are a gaming GOD.
Comments: 3
Finally, in one picture we find out how the universe was created AND we find out the egg definitely came before the chicken!
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You have here a selection of women of all different nationalities, from Sweden, Japan, USA to the far east -- all the beautiful colours of womankind is here on display, but can you spot the odd one out? Look closely now.
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Since when did Hogwarts get so many hotties? I'd love to grab my magic wand and cast a spell on these three wannabe witches and create the best foursome the world has ever seen. If you need me i'll be in my bunk!
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You know what, i reckon George Orwell onto something when he wrote his classic novel 1984? Is LOLspeak the new Newspeak? Sport in 5... It's almost too scary to contemplate :(
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Kids, they are humanities last hope, lets hope they work hard and play HARDER! I really hope my children grow up to be as awesome as this.
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Yep, i'm sure we all feel secretly scared about getting old, but wait, it has some serious advantages. The greatest thing about being old is being able to say exactly whatever the hell you like.
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Thats the trouble with being a cat, it's a solitary life when you are out in the wild, stalking potential snacks and making sure the neighbourhood dog is terrified of you. You start to get slightly paranoid.
Comments: 6
I'm going to have to start carrying googly eyes wherever I go. They can make even the most mundane things totally hilarious. God bless whoever invented these things. You, sir are a true hero of humanity.
Comments: 116