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Harsh But Fair
I initially thought this was a typo or the result of someone in a back room somewhere playing a prank. If it is for real though, that's pretty harsh...
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Well, let's make sure we don't get the STD this dude's got..OMFG!!!
Comments: 0
Everyone's always got a name for the little fella, usually it's one of affection or bravado. So here's a list of various names and the reasons for them. They go from the ridiculous to the sublime.
Comments: 0
Pedo Bear cares more about your kids than you and me combined! And to be honest, I kind of padded the me column a little just out of courtesy.
Comments: 0
There's no fun like ripping it out of hipster culture. It's become a new sport that seems to have consumed the internet. And here's a few sappy hipster sayings given a work over so that they don't sound quite so goddamn pathetic.
Comments: 0
Young kids can easily be exposed to the dangers of drugs so it's always a worthwhile exercise giving them some good advice. Remember kids, don't buy drugs!
Comments: 0
It's a well known fact: guys don't care about make-up. So long as you don't look like Leatherface or an oompa loompa, make-up is never really going to be an issue.
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Sometimes feels like you're arguing with a dictator. Agree or no one is having any seXX0r!
Comments: 6
This has the vague whiff of racism about it but I can't put my finger on the precise moment or sentiment. Still, It's Abe Lincoln choking out Kanye, so even if it IS racist, it's the kinda racism we can all enjoy.
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So what does this mean? What kind of inside code could "wash hands" be? I heard it could be something drug related, but I can't be sure.
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It don't matter how big you are, size is totally unimportant in these circumstances, it's all about what you do with it...oh, and of course what color it's painted!
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