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GTA V Reality Check
At least he only drove into a subway looking for hidden packages. It could have been worse, he could have killed a prostitute and taken his money back...
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If you've ever managed to get 3 saucepans, a pyrex dish, two mixing bowls and a full compliment of crockery into a dishwasher, you are a gaming GOD.
Comments: 3
Well, this must've been incredibly embarrassing, but why is he dating a girl with the same name as his mom? The Oedipal complex is strong in this one. Maybe mom's right, maybe he should cut down on the drinking.
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What would you demand to have in your dressing room? You think you'd have a good answer to that, and you might well have, but it's never going to beat Joe's answer. The man know where's it's at, he'll be a superstar soon.
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A new magazine for women, that is totally not like all those over magazines that go on about boyfriends and your insecurities and loads of other rubbish that turns you into a gibbering tard. Oh wait, yes it is.
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Since when did Hogwarts get so many hotties? I'd love to grab my magic wand and cast a spell on these three wannabe witches and create the best foursome the world has ever seen. If you need me i'll be in my bunk!
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This is reason numero uno why you shouldn't leave your beloved pooch locked up in the car. Forget the general cruelty of leaving them trapped in a hot box, and think of that new upholstery you've just put in.
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Although I generally agree with her statement, I am a little confused as to the "Diet" part. What constitutes the diet version?
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If it came to a point where the hordes of the undead had managed to consume the flesh of the living and then they turned their rotting, salivating jaws to the heroes and villains of fiction, well then we'd really be in trouble.
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Well, let's make sure we don't get the STD this dude's got..OMFG!!!
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Wow, that is pretty GOTH! Well, I'm so Ozzy that I bite the heads off the bats she shits!
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