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Duckface Maximus
You might have thought you'd seen the ultimate in duckface. You haven't until you've seen this picture. This duckface is packed with the duckyness of over 10 ducklings.
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This little girl takes her love for lizards just a little too far. Something tells me she's a University of Florida fan.
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Sometimes your brain gets very conflicting information from 'other' parts of it's body and the result is that you are not entirely sure what you are looking at. Even a 2nd glance is confusing when it comes to girls.
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Apart from it being a very good form of exercise and stamina builder it also gets you away from your laptop into the big wide world. And of course there are the beautiful views!
Comments: 494
Obama has a very weird effect on teenage girls - WTF !?!
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So I heard about this tea bagging thing. What the hell is the big deal, i just don't get it?? I finally have a sleeping victim, i'm ready for action. This is what I'm supposed to do, right?
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Oh man, it's a really sad day, your mom was on of the greatest skydiver of her generation and now it's so terrible to hear about what happened. But to remember her, they've named the lake "Lake Yo Mama".
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Not content with having claws that rip through any clothing (or skin) you might just happen to put in their way it looks as if those feline fighters are now learning the ways of the ninja - Be afraid!
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Prepare to get your geek on and then some as this takes your through the alphabet of comic book superheroes and sci-fi legends. It's epic and nerdy, it's epically nerdy. Don't pretend you don't love it.
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Looks like Barbie has checked into a Hollywood plastic-plastic surgeon as some comparison shots from the 90's to present day show. Problem is she was pretty much all plastic to begin with!
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Not quite as fearsome a team as the regular Avengers. Iron man looks a bit daft but standing next to that guy dressed as Cap he looks like some kind of Greek god. I'd done a poo that was bigger than that guy!
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