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Two Kayakers Get Lifted Up Atop a Whale
A father and daughter are kayaking and spot some whales, when one of the whales turned and came towards them and swam underneath their kayaks—next thing they know they're getting lifted onto the back of one.
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Hamsters are super cute with they way they fill their cheeks pouches with food. The BBC reveals all using an X-ray to show how golden hamsters store incredible amounts of food in their cheeks.
Comments: 0
Looks can be deceiving—because while this old guy might look like he's frail and past his prime, he's as dangerous as anyone in the ring. Just watch him totally beat the crap out of this poor young guy.
Comments: 539
They’re spreading. These weird insects with a flower for a head; first they were discovered in the remote Amazon jungle, then they’ve slowly been making appearances outside of their native home.
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That last move makes it look like she doesn't have bones in her body.. OUCH
Comments: 16
A true WTF moment, a real classic has to leave you completely speechless. Oerhaps with one slightly raised eyebrow or a slack jaw. If you Don't pause for a few seconds afterwards and silently mouth "What the f#ck?" it's not a classic.
Comments: 4
Charlie Brooker gives us his thoughts on the whole KONY 2012 capaign and illuminates some sinister details about the company that started it; Invisible Children.
Comments: 2
It doesn’t get better than four Finnish guys crammed into a rusty hunk of a car covering Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” on a series of brass instruments. Total crazy coolness.
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Slow mo never looked so good!! This has got to be the start of something new!
Comments: 4
Something tells me that this dude should never be allowed to climb any higher than he can reach. Sometimes pushing the envelope when it comes to clearing snow is just TOO dangerous!
Comments: 4
This cracking shot comes to us from the Paralympics and from a man who, although he walks with the aid of a crutch, is still ballsy enough to dive for a shot if he thinks he can get to it in time. Amazing.
Comments: 75