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Tight Dresses
We've never heard of a tight dress suffocating a young woman and we do hope the women in this gallery are all alright and able to breathe properly and live life to the full after these various shots were taken. MY GOD THESE DRESSES ARE TIGHT!
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Its plain to see that the old saying "Dogs begin to look like their owners, and vice-verca is actually true. Just subtle similarities that make them a perfect match for each other.
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Trust good old Mother Nature to cum up with millions of years of evolution to produce some of the most beautiful natural monuments the planet has ever seen - I would gladly plant a flag on ALL of them :)
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This guy takes photo-bombing to a whole new level! It just makes me wonder how he knows where to be all the time - WTF??
Comments: 23
I know she hasn't been around for a while and is busy having a family, but she was the hottest invisible woman on the planet and i reckon we all want to have a very good look at what she has on show now!
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Holding photographers hostage and demanding to in in the shot, these terrorists are the worst kind of people. In fact, if it was these types that were being held and tortured in Guantanamo, nobody would mind in the slightest. FACT.
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It's what you get when you combine college girls full of hormones, no parents and LOTS of alchohol. This is one very good reason why you should study hard to get a university education gentlemen - Let's PARTY!!!
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Old album covers are always good for a laugh, but what was going through their heads when they came up with these designs? I'm hoping a truck load of dangerous chemicals or at least dementia?
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You've passed out due to one to many root beers and your friends have taken the liberty of abusing your comatose body. Most of this abuse you wouldn't want to be awake for but fear not, there will lots of photos.
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Well hello Jessie, enchanté, mon plaisir *kisses her hand* She certainly seems to like taking photos of herself, which is good news because I bet there are plenty of guys happy to look at this narcissistic honey.
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These photos might just be a one-off & she could have had them taken for a laugh - However, by whatever fate or design, they found their way to the internet & for that reason alone i know there IS a god !
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