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Robbery Stopped By Chairshot To The Head
A clerk in a convenience store stops a would-be thief by slamming him on the head with a folding chair. That would be a disqualification, but the ref was distracted as usual.
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Drinkiing like a BOSS! A couple of grandma's shotgun their beers after the Michigan football game. It looks impressive but they failed to crush the cans on their foreheads afterwards.
Comments: 4
This masterful prank results in a scare for your friend and hearing loss for you! Win-Win!
Comments: 1
You can style your face how you want, with the sort of blades that Wolverine would trim his sideburns with!
Comments: 0
You've heard of a boy named Sue, well this is a chimp named Sue, and it's attacking a squad car. Maybe because it's a boy chimp and it's angry at its stupid name?
Comments: 0
Finally it's here, a fitness video that combines exercise and racism. So sign up today and get chased by a black man when you least expect it. You'll be fit in no time! Hawt & AWESOME!
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An insight into how the terrifying raptors of Jurassic Park were brought to life. It's weird to see them go from something so basic to a full animatronic dinosaur suit. It'd make an awesome fancy dress costume...
Comments: 74
I guess you have to try some things in life at least once? This guy's bucket list: 1) Do donuts in living room in a Shelby Cobra 2) Buy a large area rug. 3) Buy another large area rug.
Comments: 1
AKA: "Shit Batman Would Never Say". There are a lot of things that Batman would probably not say. Here's a few of them as the might be said in Chrisitian Bale's ridiculously low pitched, gritty voice.
Comments: 1,773
I was an atheist until I watched this video. I don't know if the video itself has some strange power, like the one in The Ring, or whether it's just the sheer enthusiasm and joy on this womans face, but after watching it, reason be damned. I wanna be save
Comments: 5
The 2010 FIFA World Cup is on the way & you’re gonna need supplies, take a look at this & the goodies in this man cave, then leave a comment stating what you’d add & you could win EVERYTHING!
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