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When you stop fapping to it and take a moment to consider it, where would the internet be without the worth inclusion of man's favourite pursuit ?!
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So there I was outside the British seat of power, when I heard the roar of a Formula One motor. No? It can't be! Holy crap I thought, & there it was coming to a pit stop right on Parliament Square. WTF!?
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Teenagers filming fights on their camera phones is as old as happy slapping, but this footage from a school in Leicester is pretty shocking by anyone's standards.
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This is one of the worst things to have in your basement, really difficult to get rid of once they settle in. Totally worse than an infestation of rats of cockroaches.
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Driving down the road on a Skyjack drinking beer is one of the great freedoms of life on earth. Well, you'd think it was but the police think otherwise. Goddamn them and their crazy "rules"
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A thousand-frame-per-second camera captures amazing footage of people spraying snot everywhere. Imagine what will happen when the porn industry finds out about this.
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The visual effects wizzos decided to envision what it might look like if Superman spent a day wearing a GoPro attached to his head, whizzing around Metropolis and fighting bad guys.
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Jenna Marbles is here and she's on a mission to unite all of femalekind against the unifying threat of catpocalypse. She's going to achieve this by concisely explaining why women all hate each other.
Comments: 4
A weird illusion that blows my tiny little mind. It's something to do with the frame rate of the video camera strobing the flow so that it looks like it isn't moving. Personally, I say BURN THE WITCH!
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Wanna know how to keep that badass hairdo of yours snappy and fresh? just follow the advice of this mop top master and you'll be up to your armpits in babes before you can say "Dumb and Dumber".
Comments: 2
This kitty either has a weight issue and wants to try and burn off some excess calories or it has identity issues & is using the washing machine as a giant version of a hamster wheel. Lets hope he cleans up his act soon!
Comments: 1