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Ninja Squirrel Vs. Stoners
An unsuspecting stoner comes face to furry face with his mortal nemesis - the rabid ninja squirrel. Armed only with slavering fangs and a bushy tale he strikes fear into the hearts of midnight tokers the world over. LOL.
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You’ve not seen the beauty of existence until you’ve seen a hedgehog being bathed with a toothbrush by a muscular man with arm tattoos. Truly, it is a sight worthy of world heritage status.
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You can find dancing machines of all makes and models in this compilation. I'm going to level with you, though, many of them are old and in need of repair.
Comments: 19
Still can't get that classic Gotye tune out of your head? Wanna substitute it with something a little less depressing? How about amusing alternate lyrics from the guys at College Humor? Same great tune, fresh new lolz.
Comments: 4
Imagine one of the cool, flipping crashes you created with your Hot Wheels cars in your childhood happened in real life. It's kind of like that.
Comments: 25
If they’re not trying to win the affections of a bridesmaid with their impressive equine transportation (a horse outside), then they’re wanting to fight a young lady’s father to show her how much they adore her.
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This must’ve come as a bizarre surprise to this Welsh farmer. One minute he’s growing a giant swede, then next he has the most stoned man in the world calling him asking for advice, about growing 'plants'
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Not sure exactly how to eat that Christmas dinner? Never fear, Billy is here to make all the festive faux pas so that you don't have to. There's nothing that he can't make a mess out of. LOL.
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If it exists and it’s badass, then a Lego version of it must be created — that’s one of the rules of the internet along with rule 34. And so the new Star Trek movie trailer gets recreated in everyone’s favorite toy building block.
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She fails so hard that the judges gave her a negative height score. However, it was still the best score a blond had ever received in that particular event.
Comments: 2
In this video we can see both the good and the bad of alcohol. The good is that is helps people shed their inhibitions and thus their clothes, and the bad? You lose you motor skills and wake up covered in bruises.
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