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Meanwhile, In China
Engrish is all the rage. If you haven't got things written on your chest in an incomprehensible foreign language then you're just not cool. Even if the words are off the back of a packet of preparation H. Who cares? It's cool.
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In case you didn't know, North Face is a reference to mountaineering chosen because in the northern hemisphere the north face of a mountain is usually the hardest to climb, and everyone who wears their gear is a mountain climbing badass.
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This IS the desk you're looking for. Sure, lightsabers might be an elegant weapon for a more civilised age, but that doesn't mean that they don't double up as an awesome way to light up a room!
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Pictures of the secret North Korean missile test have recently been smuggled to the west. Seems there is about as much to be afraid of as there was with Saddam.
Comments: 4
Could this be a strange mystery of nature or just a bunch of flying rats crapping on the great math of our time? Either way i think someone just found the subject of Dan Brown's next book!
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..You may pass out in awkward places. FAIL
Comments: 1
Seriously, WTF, who buys phallic garden fountains like this? Well, at least the water doesn't come out of the top of it!
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If you ever have a new neighbor move in next door and you notice this as his license plate, it might be time to put up the For Sale sign, or at the very least contact the FBI.
Comments: 3
I initially thought this was a typo or the result of someone in a back room somewhere playing a prank. If it is for real though, that's pretty harsh...
Comments: 10
What would you demand to have in your dressing room? You think you'd have a good answer to that, and you might well have, but it's never going to beat Joe's answer. The man know where's it's at, he'll be a superstar soon.
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Everyone's always got a name for the little fella, usually it's one of affection or bravado. So here's a list of various names and the reasons for them. They go from the ridiculous to the sublime.
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