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How To Walk Your Human
A guide for cats who want to walk their pet human in the easiest and most effective manner. This is the only way that a cat would be willing to go for a walk with a human; if it was clear to all that the cat was in charge.
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Well, she wins it. She wins the record for the most stunted performance of the most excitable song since some other piece of crud. It's like she's trying to be enthusiastic but part of her being won't allow it!?
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Dude pulls a sweet backflip during a penalty kick. Wait, did soccer just get cool? Ugh, I feel so Un-American.
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More animated awesomeness from B3ta's Cyriak as he shows off his talents on Showtime Shorts. Recoil in horror as he conjures circuit-board spiders and monsters made of meat from his limitless but warped imagination.
Comments: 7
Just a damn sexy woo-man running around in her undies for every man (and woman) to ogle and enjoy. Then you’ll go out and buy your wife a pair and she’ll look nothing like this and you’ll be bitter and angry.
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They are bursting to get out of the restrictive strain of that T-shirt. Let them be free, release them so they can bounce openly for us all to gawp at & admire. For that is the way of the bewb.
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Airbag pranks are ten-a-penny o the internets, but DAMN are they funny. The most enjoyment I've got out of them has bee from this montage so it comes highly recommended. Some are truly spectacular. Enjoy!
Comments: 3
They're so humongous they have their own gravitational field! You get too near them and whoosh!! You'll be sucked right in there.
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Sam Jackson is THE MAN. If you need any more proof of this fact then I would like to draw your attention to exhibit A. He kills a whole bunch of unarmed civilians to the theme song from Team America. This happened last week. FACT.
Comments: 2
Weebl brings more of their mindfuck LSD-tinged madness to the internet, this time it’s about the true nature of the Unicorn, it’s both funny and weird and it also has mild swearing in it, making sure everyone’s a winner.
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It's a pretty big thing to shave you head bald, especially when you're a cheerleader, so credit to them. It's for a good cause too, but does anyone really wanna see a slaphead waving pom-poms? I bet they got fired afterwards...
Comments: 6