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Cooking Bacon on a Machine Gun
It doesn't really get more 'Murica, f*ck yeah!' then a guy cooking bacon on the barrel of his M16 machine gun, which usually takes about three minutes of shooting to cook it through to perfection.
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Beardyman is a tough man to interview. This guy manages to meet him on his own level though and although there's a slight language barrier he manages to get a pretty awesome and enlightening interview out of it!
Comments: 0
Crazy stunts jumping into jeans, and a surprising trick in the end.
Comments: 4
Yeah, very clever. All these kids are so smart to make a helicopter out of a blue container. Nice one. Now try flying it across the Atlantic. INSANITY!
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In one way, the test was actually a smashing success...the bus smashed right over the railing and almost hurt some bystanders.
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Yeah this is pretty cool but i still prefer the straight-up version of Foot Loose with Kevin Bacon playing a role he has fought hard to forget !
Comments: 0
A fine example of 'practice makes perfect!' Not a bad wind-up but i'm thinking he needs to work a little bit more on his release. It couldn't really have gone much worse to be honest.
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When a chick goes for a shower the last thing she's expecting are group of enthusiastic voices urging her to try out the various bathroom implements - Or then again, maybe she is?
Comments: 3
It's all fun and games until your buddy gives you a spinning kick to the jaw.
Comments: 3
If little Michael Jackson had a webcam to show off his moves back in the 70's, his videos probably would've looked like this one. The pop-locking at the end is astounding.
Comments: 13
This is why not everything should be done over the internet.. LOL
Comments: 1