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Sandbag Toss Fail
A fine example of 'practice makes perfect!' Not a bad wind-up but i'm thinking he needs to work a little bit more on his release. It couldn't really have gone much worse to be honest.
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This chubby chick gets a little too excited about whats in the canteen refrigerator and puts her face through the glass door while walking up to it. Sometimes your stomach will give your eyes food goggles - OUCH!
Comments: 2
This is NOT the best time to act like a ninja - I believe he told them the rent was too damn high and then tried to take matters into his own hands. As a karate expert, he should've known the odds were stacked against him. OUCH!
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This guy was doing really good up until the part he knocked himself out cold.
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Looks like this televangelist has turned to the dark-side, rather than the big guy upstairs. Wielding a lightsaber and striking down his flock like an angry Anakin who’s just discovered someone’s eaten the last of his Frosted Flakes.
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Straight from Argentina, this hot bendy chick makes me think of only one word, 'FAP'...or is it "OUCH!"
Comments: 2
I wonder if this lady has gained weight since she got her dog.. -COOL
Comments: 7
They say one of the most difficult stunts to pull off while hang gliding is the 360 loop. Sadly, this guy can't do it. But don't let that put you off watching FAIL at work!
Comments: 7
Playing at pretending to be a bad-ass soldier and virtually killing the enemy is a serious business. Pick the wrong team to go into a battle situation with and you might very well find yourself flipping out. War is hell.
Comments: 4
They might peep through your windows while you get jiggy on the sofa with your partner & gross you out with horror stories about your rancid mattress, but what’s that compared to getting a perfect slumber in your own bed.
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As if it isn’t tough enough being hard of hearing or deaf, now the kids that rely on essential services like educational support and speech therapy are facing cuts to this integral part of their lives.
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