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Cats - Perverts & Jerks
If you own a cat or have ever been in close proximity to one you know. Cat's are not shy about flashing the choco starfish. In fact if you're not careful they'll rub the rusty sherriff's badge in your face too.
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You know, being Spiderman aint easy. Poor Peter Parker, he's always getting the proverbial s#it ripped out of him by J. Jonah Jameson. Constantly mocking his dead uncle and then laughing in his weeping face. It's a cruel world.
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When Chuck Norris plays ches he plays to win. Don't even begin to think about challenging him because you will lose before you have even moved the first piece. And don't even think about asking Chuck if that's a legal move.
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Hitler is referenced so much they really should start using this scale in politics. Early adopters could possibly be Glenn Beck as everything on that show is already compared to the Nazi’s anyhow.
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If you've got someone who just won't leave you along, even though you said it was over months ago and they keep stalking you both on and offline, then this is a fail safe way to get them to leave you the hell alone.
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It's pleasing to see the youth of today taking global warming seriously. Good on you, being kind to mother na....oh, wait. Turns out you're a total douche instead. Well done.
Comments: 2
When your girl asks whether her makeup looks okay, you say yes. If her face looks like this and she asks, you say yes. It's a hard and fast rule.
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Who would have thought that a bunch of head banging metal men would have such divinely lustrous locks? Seriously? It's enough to make Rapunzel say "DAYUM!".
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This is one that I've never fully understood so I'm glad it puzzle the philosoraptor too. A bikini is okay to wear out, yet underwear isn't. Women; you so crazy.
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Ok, so when is the one time you can show pictures of your naked child to another adult and point out and laugh about his penis? Think about it if it was a dad with his daughter, something is rotten in the state of Denmark here!?
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Even superheroes are feeling the burn in these austere times, and it just sickens me to the bat teeth. Gone are the days when the Batman would pimp it out in his turbo-charged vehicle. Dark knight days, indeed.
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