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Silky Smooth Hair
Who would have thought that a bunch of head banging metal men would have such divinely lustrous locks? Seriously? It's enough to make Rapunzel say "DAYUM!".
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Can you say invasion of privacy?
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Ok, so you have the 'duckface' pretty much perfected so now it's time for a tougher challenge. It's time to (wo)man up and attempt a fivehead - Your parents/aunt and uncle/brother and sister will be so proud.
Comments: 3
Gone are those innocent days when all you needed was a piece of string and some tin cans. Now it's all about blogging while taking a dump, and emailing your boss while sleeping.
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Need a picture of your butt and just can't quite get the right angle in the mirror, no problem. Just shout her name and she will come to save the day in taking a salacious Facebook profile picture. Mom's are awesome!
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For a company that doesn't actually "Invent" anything, just glues together other people's tech, Apple sure are getting huffy about anything that looks similar to their products...
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Oh dear, how embarrassing. They accidentally misspelled coffee!
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This girl has the hairiest arms I've ever seen! Could you imagine what her legs must look like? Yikes!
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There comes a time when you just need to wind people up, when the only thing that's going to work for you is a little bit of trolling. And for those times, you need to practice your trollface.
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The many moods of Emma Watson, happy, thoughtful, shocked, proud, confused, her facial expression giving away her mood instantly. Then there's Kristen, no matter what mood she's in he always looks constipated.
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Xzibit is famous for putting things in things so you can do something while you're doing something, but he has finally met his match!
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