Airbag pranks are ten-a-penny o the internets, but DAMN are they funny. The most enjoyment I've got out of them has bee from this montage so it comes highly recommended. Some are truly spectacular. Enjoy!
Comments: 3
Carrie Manolakos covers a classic Radiohead tune. It's videos like this that make me wish more web flash players came with repeat buttons. Seriously, I could listen to this all day and not get bored.
Comments: 10
As if it isn’t tough enough being hard of hearing or deaf, now the kids that rely on essential services like educational support and speech therapy are facing cuts to this integral part of their lives.
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This is kinda gross but also fascinating. It's impressive watching a lung inflate, but I wouldn't want balloons like this at my birthday party, personally. Well, maybe if they were filled with helium...
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This man defines nonchalance. Seriously, I defy you to find a better definition. If the car caught fire he's probably stay put, insisting that it was perfectly normal and had nothing to do with this 'crash' nonsense.
Comments: 4
Attempting a backflip on a tiny bike like this might sound safer than using a big boy bike, but that does't mean it's without danger, as this guy finds out. Bet he's glad he was wearing a helmet...
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This would be freaking awesome for parties. Anyone wanting a couple of cubes of ice to cool down their beverage can just get them straight out of the end of the garden hosepipe! LOL WUT
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This video is so cute that you may find yourself vomiting up rainbows. You have been warned. Even if you don't like cats you are highly likely to find yourself stifling an "Awwwww" or two while watching this.
Comments: 6
Finding out your wife has signed up to a dating site where she wants to meet other guys is not the best Valentine’s gift. But, revenge is sweet and when it’s all you’ve got you might as well do it in style.
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You can't blame viral celebrities for trying to make a few bucks off their new-found fame. Most cash-ins are cringingly bad but this one might just be so bad that it comes out the other side as awesome.
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For me, if you like in a neighborhood where you need a double barrel shotgun just to stop your television from walking out of the front door, maybe you should save the money on shells and just move somewhere nicer?
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If you've been playing video games since the glory days, this ought to be a familiar sight. Side-scrolling sword swinging adventurer braves a brown and green platformed level. This one comes with it's own song.
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If you're into your Blizzard RTS games, then this one ought to raise a bit of interest. It looks like there's some more space themed fun flying your way in the form of the Heart Of The Swarm expansion pack.
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It's safe to assume most mediums are snake-oile selling confidence fraudsters and the others are simply deluded to the point of being certifiable. If there ever was a real medium, his job would be pretty hard...
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OK, so if you ever wondered what’s it’s like to be in love, it’s essentially like being off your mind on cocaine. So, don’t bother finding a partner and falling in love and having kids, just do lots of coke instead.
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Trying to show off in your car while there's ice on the road. Not the best idea you've ever had. Not only did you narrowly miss that pedestrian but you wrote off your car too. You total, total dick.
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If you're going to kick off an ice hockey game, word to the wise; don't bring a bird. Sure, they're a very patriotic animal and all, but that doesn't mean they'll be at home slipping and sliding on ice...
Comments: 6
When two phones go to war, the internet wins. It's way less controversial than cockfights and cheaper too! have you priced cocks recently? They're kinda pricey. That's inflation for you though, I guess.
Comments: 8
Everyone's seen the pyramids and the great wall of China. They're totes mainstream. How about some awe inspiring wonders you can behold while maintaining your hipster credentials? You're welcome.
Comments: 7
It's ok, no one was seriously injured in this crash. That aside, what the show was attempting to do was pit a Corvette ZR1 against an AH1 Cobra helicopter. The helicopter lost.
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