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Zipline Wedding Crash FAIL!
Sometimes you want to make a big entrance and impress your new wife. Sometimes it FAILS! Groom speeds down a zipline and crashes into his bride from behind. I guess he couldn't wait for the wedding night.
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Now here's a match that you would never consider to be made in heaven, more like planet 'WTF!?' They're probably not the most likely of friends, considering cats really hate water, but then love IS blind!
Comments: 7
Alan Partridge explores the connections between Norwich and, erm the Führer in this clip, revealing how the Nazis planned to make Norwich Town Hall a centre of regional government.
Comments: 0
Parkour is pretty cool, but they do it a little differently in Egypt. Well, this guy does it a little different in Egypt. Normally I'd feel sympathy for a fail like this, but this douche just broke someone's house.
Comments: 0
JaboOodyDubs tackle another ridonkulously cheesy infomercial. This one is for the ingenious and invaluable tap light; a light that lights up when you tap it. If you want rid of your children, these are for you!
Comments: 2
OK everyone, are we sitting comfortably? Yes? It’s time for some edumacation courtesy of those brainy old boxes over at RSA Animate. Just how is language a looking glass into the soul, you ask?
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It's safe to assume most mediums are snake-oile selling confidence fraudsters and the others are simply deluded to the point of being certifiable. If there ever was a real medium, his job would be pretty hard...
Comments: 2
Party smart this year with THINK!’s Driver Friendly partnership initiative. Answer the above question to win a night out for you and three of your mates to a concert or comedy night of your choice.
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Are you a half full, or totally empty kinda giu? It looks like the water park isn't quite open for business yet. They're still in the process of filling the pools with complete idiots. WTF!?!
Comments: 1
In a world whose fabric seems to be crumbling away in a sea of economic collapse and urban rage, fuelled by a corrupt capitalist system that rewards selfishness and greed, even shadows won't work properly.
Comments: 2
This trolldad has four little kids - he seems to wear a Batman mask all day, trolling his family and filming it all so he can upload it to Vine for the megalolz—they call him... BatDad! And he is the most hilarious dad ever.
Comments: 2