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Xmas Sweatz
If ever you needed evidence that there is no greater hive of scum and villainy than the YouTubes, I give you exhibit A: The YT Micro-celeb crossover. Sure, you recognise them but is that any excuse for this nonsense?
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Squashing finally makes it's way to the mainstream through the medium of the daytime chatshow. It's only a matter of time before weird Japanese tentacle fetishes and other horrors are being beamed to TVs nationwide.
Comments: 1
After one fleeting date this poor fella gets a seemingly endless torrent of cray-cray texts from his bunny boiling one-night-standee. Nothing quite says DESPERATE like banging on someone's door shouting that nobody makes you smile like they do...
Comments: 3
One of the most painful broken leg videos I have seen in awhile. Two South African soccer players go after the ball and they both end up regretting the aftermath.
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So you think panda's are just cute & innocent animals without an evil bone in their bodies. Think again. Prepare to be shocked by the kind of sh#t it seems like they're actually into! Scat-ter people. Fast.
Comments: 5
A cat attempts a 4 foot jump off a table to a railing and comes up about 3 1/2 feet short.
Comments: 2
'Did I win?' No, you came in second place, also known as the first loser.
Comments: 3
And yet we don't understand how flying with wings works. Touche, pigeons.
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Not only does this dude wipe out hard on the jump but as he gets up to brush himself off his snowmobile speeds off unmanned.
Comments: 3
I didn't know those things were to be used outside the water.. OMG
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For the cat lovers out there here's a video of a cute kitten climbing into a hamsterball, getting stuck and still managing to look utterly adorable. All together now: AWWWwwwww.
Comments: 5