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Weird International Liquor Taste Test
A group of Americans sample and describe a variety of unusual international liquors and generally convulse with revulsion: they include bacon vodka, yogurt liqueur, scorpion mezcal, and chili vodka.
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Ever wondered what the world would be like if Tom Cruise, John Travolta and all the other Scientology were actually right about their crazy-ass religion? Here's a taster. It's incredibly depressing.
Comments: 2
Slow him down & the apple guy sounds like a drunk relative at Christmas time - LOL
Comments: 0
Cheap aftershave, lame chat-up lines and obnoxiousness don't impress Zara Phillips... or her horse !
Comments: 8
This is one hard hitting anti-smoking campaign (Excuse the pun, nah, in fact, don't excuse it, revel in it). Made by British photographer Rankin a man is beaten to a pulp by an invisible assailant. OMG!
Comments: 0
You can have so much fun with a rubber snake, scaring women and children and it's also a great way to trick fat people to getting some exercise—and starting fights with stranger's dads.
Comments: 0
Not the most original advertising idea but an impressive piece of street theater. It would have been improved with the addition of some ninjas and a herd of unicorn, but you can't have it all...
Comments: 198
There's nothing funnier than someone whose opinion of themselves and their abilities exceeds the disappointing reality. Uzzy is such a man. At least his bravado acts as a sort of cautionary tale...
Comments: 5
Typical overachiever. Sure, it's impressive, but wouldn't you rather he could do something a little less nerdy and a little more useful, like help get hot women to a lame ass college party? I bet he does...
Comments: 2
I can see this really catching on for actual players making base runs - Listen closely for the electrical taser sound right before he hits the grass. Were they really too fat and lazy to just tackle him?
Comments: 0
While describing the half court shot prank we posted yesterday, a reporter makes an even more impressive backwards shot.
Comments: 248