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Unexpected Bike Problems
They say they're trying to do some professional stuff.. Maybe they should get some professional equipment. LOL
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This looks cool when you get it right, but get it wrong and meet PAIN! It looks like support for Parkour is crumbling in Russia - sometimes you hit the wall & sometimes the wall hits YOU - OUCH!
Comments: 5
It's not often you get to see a woman of this caliber cavorting nakie by the side of the road, trying to flag down a willing ride. If i was driving past I wouldn't even hesitate. I'd hit her....with my car - OMG!
Comments: 316
So there I was outside the British seat of power, when I heard the roar of a Formula One motor. No? It can't be! Holy crap I thought, & there it was coming to a pit stop right on Parliament Square. WTF!?
Comments: 0
Machines that solve Rubik's Cubes are not new, but this one is probably the fastest so far and it's made completely from Lego and controlled by a smartphone. How much more awesome do you need?
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Thanks to the cat's introduction of a force field, this is now the most one-sided fight since Ellin vs Tiger Woods (allegedly).
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Etch A Sketch is hard. Now imagine drawing things from Star Wars: R2-D2, C-3PO, the Millennium Falcon, and Chewbacca. Here's a recap of Star Wars in case you don't remember the movie.
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When you're drunk you get the dumbest ideas in your head, "I know, I'll just walk through here, it'll be fun. Wait, the rooms spinning and so is the floor. OMG" And fun it will be, but not for you buddy.
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This guy just bought a brand new jet ski and within the first minute of putting it out on the water he slams into a pier injuring himself and busting up his new toy.
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Thank the ninja gods that Jackie has spoken out against a crime against humanity: Little kids doing karate in movies. He kicks the crap out of those little bastards. Go Jackie!
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Intergalactic pr0n is what those Jedi knights were really searching for. Using the Force they were seeking out the finest adult entertainment the universe could offer. Featuring an excess of purple lightsabers & strange creatures.
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