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The Avengers '78
So the Avengers is out and everyone is totally losing their damn minds. Apparently it's pretty good but did you know it had already be made in 1978? Yeah me either. It hadn't. But if it had this is what it'd look like!
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Wow..talk about a Multi-Tasker! This dude rocks in the way he combines so many different impressive, albeit totally useless talents. Part Parkour, part juggler and several parts of things we don't really know how to define.
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I don't understand why the weatherman didn't tell the people of Mexico there was such a good chance of golden showers and skeet in their area. i would have loved to have seen what the weather turned out to be - LMAO!
Comments: 7
Sagelike words from the man that brought you pearls of wisdom such as "Fuck it, we'll do it live!" and "Tide goes in, tide goes out. You can't explain that." This time he's tackling the tricky subject of Korean Pop.
Comments: 1
Elmo gets set on fire.. and loves it! LOL
Comments: 83
The least ’street’ rap battle you’ll ever see, but it’s still hilariously awesome. With pedro’s paper thin hard-man persona, Mark Grist’s wordy prose and Pamflit’s plodding maternal insults this is a Don’t Flop instant classic.
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They really shouldn't have hired Tim and Eric to direct the "Sailor Moon" feature film.
Comments: 1
I know picking your nose is frowned upon but was this necessary?
Comments: 152
If you’ve looked at a tortoise before and though, ewww, the freaks! Well you’re a freak, because tortoises are just like me and you. They like humping, they have shells on their backs and they have heads. Case closed.
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Sometimes you can take things waay too far in the pursuit of impressing chicks - His crotch is now officially a fire hazard, which just gives girls a perfectly legitimate reason to avoid it.
Comments: 15
I assume this is a cat and not the producy of 2 girls.. WTF
Comments: 2