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Stunning Footage of Starlings in Flight
The inhabitants of Utrecht, the Netherlands were treated to a beautiful performance by a huge flocks of starlings dancing in the evening sky. Watch as the birds swoop across the sky in mesmerizing patterns and formations.
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Sometimes, especially in the case of this hapless dude, it's better to be lucky than good. It takes a special talent to pass off a FAIL as an intended trick!
Comments: 18
It's hard to tell if this one will be good of bad. Sure, Bane looks hella goofy, but it's a Christopher Nolan film. Name one bad film he's ever done. Also, it's got the goddamn batman in it. I really hope it's good...
Comments: 29
Taking as the starting point “Like a G6″ by Far East Movement, this guy gives it some added nerd by making the song about role playing & not the kind that’s usually reserved for behind closed bedroom doors.
Comments: 0
Big legs + Karate = Splits, no problem. It's basic math, really. This has to be the funniest movie supercut I've ever seen, fully of toe curlingly bad clips from 90s Van Damme crapfest movies. Pure gold.
Comments: 5
Everyone is a beautiful and unique snowflake in one way or another but as a general rule all parkour enthusiasts are pretty much the same as this guy. Possibly. If they're not, they wish they were. This guy is awesome.
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When meeting the Queen of England, it’s important to cock your leg out in the manner befitting a 12th century nobleman and then shuffle it about in a manner befitting a 21st raver.
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Ok, so you won't die. Mind your step is a street illusion in Stockholm at Sergels torg created by Erik Johansson. It looks totally awesome and must have taken some serious Pythagoras' theorem epicness to do!?
Comments: 1
Freestyle BMX is a lot harder than it looks. Freestyle BMX on a ladies bike that is older than you are is even harder, but it kinda shows. This guy rides it so hard that he breaks almost every part of the bike!
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A guy in a Corvette attempts to overtake a car on the highway and sends both cars skidding off the road. I wonder how many "I'm sorries" he would have to say before there were no hard feelings.
Comments: 8
Tarragona in Spain and these people climb on top of each other and see who can go the highest. It's good to see kids are involved, endangering themselves for the thrill of victory and the exhilaration from being so high. Big up.
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