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Shopping Skills
A new way to keep yourself entertained while grocery shopping.. - LOL
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So let me get this right, he probably spends all day sniffing other dog's butts, but when it comes to his owner farting he takes offence, al i can assume is what the hell has he been eating?
Comments: 34
You know the guy in the passenger seat of the rally car was backseat driving all the way up until the car speared the ground. "Slow down. Pull up. Don't you see the ground coming?"
Comments: 8
I doubt they could pull this off again if they actually tried to do it a hundred more times.
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I assume that's what Ernie Anastos, the real-life Ron Burgundy, was trying to say. But, it comes out very wrong. The female co-anchor's reaction is priceless.
Comments: 2
Some guys in a band write a song how to make meth out of household items - Seriously COOL !
Comments: 18
It’s surprising the guy’s still got a girlfriend after pulling a prank like this. In an elaborate trick, this guy builds a ghost puppet that comes out of the TV and scares the crap out of his other half.
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Sun Xi Zhong from China enters the Guinness Book of World Records after climbing 15 stairs using nothing but his head.
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A worrying trend is on the increase - male My Little Pony fans. They should be treated as the abominations that they are and shunned by all members of a civilized society. Give them an inch and they'll take a Barbie.
Comments: 2
So you think that messing about on the river is boring? Wrong. You obviously haven't hung out with these idiots. Witness a totally insane explosion of a leaking propane tank being shot with a rifle.
Comments: 11
Obviously he doesn’t come across as quite so threatening, but it does mean he’ll be able to say things like “Oh, be-haaayyy-ve” and throw in innuendos about purple lightsabers at every opportunity.
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