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Seal Gets His Fap On
Most people like to hear a good singing voice. Seal REALLY likes to hear a good singing voice. So much so that he'll even start to coax the tadpoles on live TV like it was some kind of involuntary action. The dirty perv.
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Kelly Ripa is an American talkshow host who co-fronts morning TV show “Kelly and Michael”, they were having a discussion about the iPhone 6 Plus. But Ripa wanted to see how big exactly 5.5 inches really was.
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Fancy winning the chance to meet the creators of the PlayStation® game Uncharted and create your own in-game multiplayer character for Uncharted 3 - All you have to do is audition and prove you are as good as Nathan Drake.
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School field trips are always debatable days of boredom, kids being sick on the coach and arguments. No one wants to be there - Indeed, school trips should be crap. But never racist.
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Perfume ads are hilariously mockable, and despite seeing lots of similar spoofs this one still made me chuckle. Maybe it's the accent, maybe it's his gambling addiction or maybe it's just the urinal scene at the end...
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If a girl is about to kick a ball in your general direction you have two options; duck & cover or mock her by voguing. I'd recommend the former as would this guy, once his nose has stopped bleeding...
Comments: 17
After this impressive display of finesse and athleticism, she should have her pick of the groomsmen for sure.
Comments: 5
Whoever came up with the idea of shaving a cat to look like a lion is an evil genius. It definitely add to the bully meance he is demonstrating to this poor pussy stuck inside a small box.
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Getting up for work is always a serious challenge, prepare to meet the master of rousing you from slumber! And you thought your alarm clock was annoying in the morning - Prepare to meet hell!!!
Comments: 8
Flashmobs are lame. This is a universal truth. The guy on the right hand side of this video somehow manages to make this one worth watching due to his unbridled enthusiasm and the sheer joy it is giving him to join in.
Comments: 1
Welcome to the future of the internet. Social networking sites will follow your entire life. Documenting every little thing you ever do. No need to speak to people in person any more, just live your life totally through facebook!
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