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Pit Bulls Pull Skateboard Like a Snow Sled
Just like the Eskimos use huskies to pull their snow sled, this gnarly skater swaps huskies for pitbulls, snow for suburban streets and a sled for a skateboard to show how to get around your neighborhood like a boss.
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Just because the sport was invented in America doesn't mean that the Japanese won't become totally kick-ass at it. They're Asians, if there's one thing they're good at it's being good at everything!
Comments: 3
I knew that G.I. Joe were an elite military unit who combat a nefarious group of dangerous criminals known as Cobra - but I didn't know they could skate.
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Google have got your back with their fully autonomous car. OK, so this is just a prototype and it’s probably going to be about another 10 years before you can buy one, but still, you can walk everywhere until then.
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You know social networks are reaching a fevered level in popularity when even the movies coming out these days revolve around them - WTF!?!
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This dude drops both his daughter and the ball in one smooth move. To complete the triple play, his wife threw him out at home later.
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Normally I'd mock this guy for calling what he does 'parkour' but he's from the Isle of Man so I think the fact that he's up to something vaguely cool should be encouraged, even if he's calling it by the wrong name...
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A mash-up of his speeches that sees him singing along to "Born This Way". Barrack seems like a pretty laid back prez though, I reckon if you just asked him to he'd have a go at singing it. Save you the time of editing it.
Comments: 2
Love is complicated, one person says one thing, they mean something else. So wouldn’t it be better if things were a bit more literal? Ryan Higa does that, taking everything his date says absolutely literally. Maybe too literally.
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This golden retriever puppy just loves watching sports on TV and tennis appears to be his favorite. And here he is enjoying the Australian Open—far better for him than going outside and playing catch.
Comments: 1
The master of mashups is back once again and this time he's making fun of the BBC news it's hosts it's stories and anyone & everyone who appears on it. It's not exactly high brow but it is entertaining.
Comments: 2