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Hurricane Balls: WANT!
Hurricane Balls consist of two ball bearings welded together. If you spin the Hurricane Balls on a smooth surface, you can use the plastic pipe to blow at one side of the Hurricane Balls and can accelerate them up to 12,000 rpm!!!
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This guy got his own handed to him by some lady who obviously was not in the mood. - LOL
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If dogs are man's best friend then this really isn't that unusual. But still! This trainer's use of CPR on this woman's dog is an amazing display of quick thinking that most likely saved this dog's life.
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We've all heard of the Sham Wow, well now comes this new product for all the Mafioso out there or senators who get in trouble when they get a bit rough with those paid for girls!
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Some good advice about how to get drunk in the wild. These animals know what's up, they live in paradise and get drunk all the time. It's surprising just how similar we are to wild animals isn't it.
Comments: 25
Samuel Bemis accidentally hit an eager fan who jumped in front of his car at a recent F1 Japan benefit for victims of the earthquake and tsunamai that hit Japan.
Comments: 5