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Freeline Skating Looks Awesome
Freeline skating is intended to give the user the feeling of skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, and inline skates all in one. Skates consist of two separate metal plates with two wheels attached.
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As well as a gallery of bikini clad pictures the guys at Sports Illustrated made a point of getting a video of Michelle Jenneke. Sterling work, boys. She's definitely my favorite Olympian right now.
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This is home-grown and packs a punch! Chicks on the receiving end of a watermelon that's travelling just under the speed of sound is truly something to behold - OUCH!
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If you're one of those people who reckon that The Hobbit looks like a great steaming pile of tedium, how about this instead? It's what would happen if it was crossbred with The Office. Genius.
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Puppets are always a little strange, but in this case I envy this puppet. The woman’s hot, you could do worse than having her hand stuffed up your backside. Is there something kinky going on?
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In case women can't find a willing man to do this for them, which I'm finding very unlikely considering how desperate the male population of earth is for a bit of action, then you can always buy this electronic device.
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It's the dare that Ellen DeGeneres made famous - and now Greg Benson and Miles Grose of Mediocre Films have taken up the mantle... in style - dancing behind people at the mall with them knowing.
Comments: 2
Ninja cats are the most stealthy of all feline assassins. You won't even know they're there until they make their move and execute their target and by then it's too late to stop them. RIP racoon plushie. You will be missed.
Comments: 3
Day Job Orchestra take Rick Perry's distasteful political campaign and overdub it to make it a little less objectionable. It makes a hell of a lot more sense this way. Keep up the good work. I almost feel sorry for the guy.
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Tom Guilmette was locked in a Las Vegas hotel room, so what does he do? The only sane thing he can do, he slows down time like Neo. Treating the world like his Matrix bitch.
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AND he's still alive as they cut the fence to pieces! WTF
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