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Fat Kid On A Little Scooter
Watching fat people eat shit on scooters has to be one of the greatest things ever. So that's why we posted this video!
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There sure is a lot of cat videos on the internet, but where do they all come from? Well, contrary to what you might believe, they're painstakingly produced using the most advanced CGI know to man. And cat.
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As the end of the world approaches, don't let that put you off kissing that cute girl/boy/zombie you've secretly been in love with and max'ing' out your credit cards as you try anything to laid. See, it isn't all bad news!
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An amazingly skilled stunt pilot loses one of his plane's wings during flight and manages to land it safely without causing himself or any of the onlookers any damage or injury—chances are it's totally fake though.
Comments: 2
Nicolas Cage has got to a point where he doesn't give a fuck any more. He doesn’t care if the movie’s good or bad, he just cares about coating his 13,000 sq ft mansion in gold. He’ll consider ANYTHING!
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Mama said SHE'S gonna knock you out! It's a noble gesture but i reckon that this dude will never be able to show his face in the gym again!
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This kid overshoots his jump by about 10 feet and starts rehearsing the pain he is about to feel while still in mid-air. Ouch!
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Looks like a lot of people got hurt last month. And crashed their cars, failed their team, fell off their bikes and generally made a mockery of themselves. A real good month for it by the looks of things.
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This song first emerged as an X-Factor audition and then went straight into the charts and it's not hard to see why. A lighthearted song by a likeable lass about going out, getting drunk and having a laugh. Great stuff.
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Whose line is rich in improvisational comedy gold, but some are better than others. This one totally ROCKS. This is the "You Asked For It!" Edition with all of the suggestions coming from members of the studio Audience.
Comments: 2
It's not often that spiders get to be cute. When they are burrying themselves under sand and laying in wait for prey it could either be terrifying or cute as a button. Thanks to the voice-over on this it is cute as hell! Awwww.
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