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Drunk Welsh Cyclist Fail
In Wales, UK they like to get incredibly drunk, so drunk that they can't even ride their bike home after heading out to the local taverna for a few light ales after a hard day's graft—face meet floor.
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Worried about fossil fuels damaging the environment and the rapidly diminishing oil reserves? Never fear, because Syria has the answer. Before long we will all be running on the power of piezo ignitions and trolling.
Comments: 28
If this isn't exactly the same way that YOU play Skyrim then you're probably not doing it right. if it moves, stab it, set it on fire and fill it full of arrows. Aim for the chest or head too. Knees are too cliche.
Comments: 3
The cat finally gets what it deserves for tormenting the little birdy.. - LOL
Comments: 1
There are two good things to come out of this. One, his sandals are now clean. Two, all the diseases in New York are now quarantined within one man.
Comments: 0
Sometimes you have to go the extra mile to achieve greatness - He did actually impress the girls in his dorm with this idiotic stunt. Of course, bitter irony, he was useless to them afterwards - What a dufus!
Comments: 8
As hurricane Bawbag ravages Scotland one worried resident films a lamp post as it sways gently in the gale force winds. Then; TRAMPOLINE! TRAMPOLINE! The only thing that would make this better is a plastic Gregs bag...
Comments: 0
This is actual extreme skiing. Well at least it beats the hell out of snow boarding, the gayest sport of all time.
Comments: 6
A thousand-frame-per-second camera captures amazing footage of people spraying snot everywhere. Imagine what will happen when the porn industry finds out about this.
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The good news is there's definitely doing to be Netflix Daredevil season 3, the bad news is it might not be out for a little while yet.
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There's nothing wrong with a preference for a wealthy European man, but five of them ? Francine here might not have had as many husbands as Elizabeth Taylor but she has hers all at once ! Be honest now, would you hit it ?!
Comments: 3