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Cassetteboy - Borris' Olympic Speech
London Mayor Borris Johnson give us the lowdown on the upcoming olympic events in the English capital. If you're not familiar with Cassetteboy, that's because he gets DMCA'd like crazy. Watch this now while you can!
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It's got a bad ass gnome armed to the beard with machines guns and swords and he's sick and tired of being a garden ornament. He wants revenge, but on who? Why the zombies and dinosaurs, who else? This game needs to be made!
Comments: 0
Prepare to witness awesome. It's still in the early stages of development but they aren't that difficult to make. You simply attach some wheels and a scooter engine to a crate of beer.
Comments: 0
His girlfriend's lousy cooking created the world's first case of Post Traumatic Food Syndrome !!
Comments: 0
It might sound like a fast food chicken wrap with ring stinging chilies in it, but this is actually a tornado made of fire. Yep, just when you thought Australia couldn't get any more dangerous, along come fire tornadoes.
Comments: 0
Ron Burgundy crashes Conan's show and busts out a brain meltingly good jazz flute solo to announce that the sequel to Anchorman is on it's way. I have only 2 requests; please let it be good and please make it soon!
Comments: 3
The chiefs (chefs ?) of over-eating turn their hand to eating characters from fondly remembered cartoons from your childhood. It involves bacon, as you can imagine, and also the cooking and butchering of real turtles.
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Need to vent your frustrations by going on a freeway killing spree? There's an app for that. NSFW language, by the way.
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Canoeing isn't something I've ever realy wanted to do. Fast flowing water full of sharp rocks? No thanks. These guys show off how cool it can be while confirming my decision to never ever try it for myself.
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Do you like your fast food FAST? If so you should probably head on over to Nick Jays! Their food is so fast that you’ll actually meet yourself shortly after receiving your order, causing a temporal anomoly!
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An Instagram account has been asking people to decide whether certain celebrities are in the throes of pleasure—or experiencing the discomfort of pain. Can you work out which?
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