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Bird Nom
To nom, or not to nom: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous hunger, or to take arms against a sea of nomables, and by opposing eat them?
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Yeah, this pic pretty much sums up the Republican hypocrisy. Less government involvement in business, but they have no problem with the government telling us how to live!
Comments: 3
One half of this couple is devastated that their significant other is acting all weird and it could spell the end as maybe they don't love the other as much as they once did. Maybe they just hate them now.
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This girl has the hairiest arms I've ever seen! Could you imagine what her legs must look like? Yikes!
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Everyone's getting all excited about the post-PC age of computing that's about to dawn on us, using cloud technology so we can have access to our computers anywhere we go.
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It's either an honest (dumb) oversight, or she could be a sign maker with tourette's - WHOOPS!
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If Jack was as bad at drawing as I am at Draw Something that car would never have gotten a sweaty back seat. On the upside he might have survived the boat going belly up, without a babe to hog his driftwood...
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Don't listen to those people who taunt you in the street about the fact you are a geek a a wastezoid, spending all your life in a make-believe world. When they meet a moose it will be them who will be in trouble. Epic!
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Not content with having claws that rip through any clothing (or skin) you might just happen to put in their way it looks as if those feline fighters are now learning the ways of the ninja - Be afraid!
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Ain't this just the truth. Spy on your neighbour with a pair of binoculars and you're a perv, do it online on Facebook and, hey, why not? No one's gonna know, right?
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Hitler is referenced so much they really should start using this scale in politics. Early adopters could possibly be Glenn Beck as everything on that show is already compared to the Nazi’s anyhow.
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