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Amazing Yoyo Kid
Chances are you really wanted to be good at yoyoing as a kid, but in reality your yoyo just smashed into the ground every time you attempted to do a trick—this kid doesn't have that problem.
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Bruce Almighty was a cinematic abomination. Still at least it wasn't as bad as Jack And Jill. Also, soundbites taken from them can be used to actual comic effect. To prove this, I give you Exhibit A:
Comments: 1
What exactly was the marketing genius behind associating sprite with semen?
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The naval pilots of these helicopters got in serious trouble for these unscheduled splashdowns, but how else is a chopper pilot supposed to pick up cute chicks at Lake Tahoe?
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Were you full of fail this last month? Did you try ever so hard to win but instead ended up losing at life? If you didn’t then you can smugly watch other people getting pwnd. The day just got a LOT better!
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A computer program that creates notes and chords according to the user's singing voice. -Cool
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If you don't watch Community then you are a bad person and you deserve to feel bad. Go buy the DVDs, rent them or do what you gotta do and then you can join the conversation. Here's a clip in case you're uncertain.
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Everyone is anxiously awaiting his next song all about watermelon!
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Big legs + Karate = Splits, no problem. It's basic math, really. This has to be the funniest movie supercut I've ever seen, fully of toe curlingly bad clips from 90s Van Damme crapfest movies. Pure gold.
Comments: 5
Someone really needs to make this. It looks pretty damn awesome and I reckon it's well pretty well if it was in one of those Humble Bundles of sold over Steam or something. I'd play the crap out of it.
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Some chicks are hawt, but this is extreme! The Etowah County Sheriff's Office has released this chick on bail after she accidentally set herself on fire while pouring gasoline and igniting her boyfriends car - WTF!?!
Comments: 3