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Amazing Diver
Diving is a lot of fun, but imagine if you could control the functions of your eyeballs to the point where you didn't even need a scuba mask? Well apparently it's possible, but only if you learn how when you're young.
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it sounds lame, but stay with it for a while! Looks like this flute beatboxing routine finally has some competition...let the deathmatch begin. AWESOME!
Comments: 2
Yeah, she broke the bedpost, but give her a break. Einstein didn't come up with the general theory of relativity on his first try, either. But then he was a genius and not a blonde!
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Jeff Daniels mixes liberal sentiment with misty eyed conservative nostalgia while explaining why America sucks. This show will be the talk of the watercoolers. To be honest though I preferred him in Dumb and Dumber.
Comments: 2
Sometimes the best laid plans goto ruin - People spend months, even years organizing their weddings, but who would think to check that the organ player can play the wedding march song?
Comments: 2
Ever wonder what bears do when we're not looking? These images were captured with a remote wildlife camera as various species visited a "communications" or "rub" tree in Kananaskis Country. Bears are cool.
Comments: 2
X-Factor judge Cheryl Cole farted during the live broadcast of the British talent show, "X-Factor." I will admit it sounded genteel, refined, and simply better than American farts.
Comments: 8
Forget all those old wives tales and sayings. After a lightning bolt strikes within 50 feet of this chick she calls him over and while his back is turned another bolt strikes directly behind him.
Comments: 1
It just wouldn’t be Christmas without Will Ferrell as David Bowie and John C. Reilly as Bing Crosby, incongruously singing two different songs at the same time.
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This guy picks probably the least appropriate time to get sucked into his cell phone. Thanks to his phone's autocorrect, his last tweet read "Puck The Police!"
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Turns out that even a scruffy furball that someone has thrown away can be a great little money spinner if you post some funny pictures of it online. Big thanks to the Cheezburgr network for making this all possible.
Comments: 3