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Amazing Acrobatic Gymnastics
At the finals at the 2010 World Championships in Wroclaw, Poland the Ukrainian team do something a 'little bit special'. I can eat a whole family size bag of Doritos in one sitting by myself. Let's see them do that!
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It's Back To The Future with the least subtle in-jokes and nods to the movies you'll ever hear, but admit it. You still kinda want a pair of these don't you? Well there's only 1500 in the world auctioning for $3.5k to $10k.
Comments: 5
The master of mashups is back once again and this time he's making fun of the BBC news it's hosts it's stories and anyone & everyone who appears on it. It's not exactly high brow but it is entertaining.
Comments: 2
Having a bad day? Even if your dog keeps shitting on the floor of your tiny apartment you’ve had to move into while the divorce goes through. Even then, you’ll still laugh at this classic collection of clips.
Comments: 0
Possibly the coolest accident of all time. If you ever manage to do something as flukey as this then don't try and walk it off like you meant it to happen. I wonder if he knew he was being filmed, by the looks of things I'd say no.
Comments: 1
It's hard to tell if this is some sort of celebrity pitch to start the game or if is just the kind of unusual occurrence that happens in the Japanese baseball leagues. I think maybe this is just how they roll.
Comments: 2
Okay so he's not THAT Mr Miyagi, but he's still pretty damn awesome. He's very skilled, has incredible balance and skates in a unique way to boot. Not that fast, but technical and picks awkward spots to skate.
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In the middle of their set the band get passed a note. One of the members of the audience wants to play bass. Being the good sports they are, The Hives say "Yes", but only if he puts on a matching vest. Awesome.
Comments: 19
When there's a bear on the loose, roaming casually around your neighborhood, looking for something to eat it's probably time to put your phone down and actually look where you're walking...
Comments: 121
This guy's got a sick mind but still had a great time performing this little trick.. - LOL
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TED have covered a LOT of ground in their various talks and seminars, but there's one thing they've neglected to tackle thus far; the zombie apocalypse. Thankfully they are rectifying this with an animated discussion of zombiism.
Comments: 2