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5 Star Valet Parking
Murphy will take care of your pride n joy - as long as you don't mind a few extra dings on your return !
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This is about as cool as tea parties get. Using a catapult and a bunch of marbles to totally decimate crockery and consumables. Way more fun than a regular old boring tea party with my plush toy collection.
Comments: 1
Isn't it always the same, or is it? maybe it's not a case of 3rd time lucky? The first two guys get some massive air swinging on a vine, the third guy...not so much.
Comments: 6
The great thing about the internet is that anyone and everyone can contribute even people who are completely pants-on-head retarded. I'm not saying the person that made this was retarded, just that it's a possibility...
Comments: 2
Ninja cats are the most stealthy of all feline assassins. You won't even know they're there until they make their move and execute their target and by then it's too late to stop them. RIP racoon plushie. You will be missed.
Comments: 3
Bored of social conventions? Looking for a way to stick it to those subway riding sheeple? Like the frosty winter air whipping past your downstairs particulars? This could be for you.
Comments: 0
Hilarious commercial about eye care and vision products.. LOL
Comments: 99
A compilation of the best moments of pain caught on camera.. LOL
Comments: 6
Ok, aside from the first and most obvious question, how the hell do you get two camels into a car? there is also the question of Why? Hmm..
Comments: 0
Ever wondered what playing skyrim would be like if instead of a dragonborn humanoid, you got to play as something a little more awesome, like a bear? Well this is probably how it would have gone down...
Comments: 2
Cute little dog tries to roll over but is confused after he gets stuck half way.
Comments: 5