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High Speed Wheelie FAIL!
It's rare to see someone wipe-out at this speed without the cameraman filming the ground or sky for at least 3 seconds during the crash. If you are gonna FAIL then do it in style!
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it might seem like an odd coupling, and that's because it is. Fish aren't usually known for their friendliness, but this one seems as curious about the dog as he is of it. Dude, that is hilarious!
Comments: 0
This dude is definitely a BOSS and demonstrates his powers by making an awesome foul ball catch with one hand while holding his daughter in the other. Just another day.
Comments: 2
I used to think that wishes coming true was nonsense until I watched this. Right before the one minute mark the collective wishes of all her Youtube viewers proved too powerful and reality caved in. On her head.
Comments: 2
Now hula hooping might sound a bit sissy, but this is way more macho. It's hula hooping mixed with ballet. Wait, that still sounds lame. I'm probably just not describing it right. Just watch it. It's cool.
Comments: 2
Having zero idea what's happening is technically both, 'fair,' and, 'balanced.'
Comments: 2
So much time and effort goes into these, just to end up a laughing stock on the internet, which is sort of an achievement in a sense—it's the only achievement these people are going to be celebrating anyway.
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Scratch Bastard picks up a win at Scribble Jam by throwing down some mad scratching followed by his own rendition of the Star Wars Imperial March. It's pretty good but I find his lack of bass disturbing.
Comments: 1
Sneaking a video camera into a high security prison might not seem very useful but apparently it's pretty dangerous. This guy should have opted for a rock hammer and a poster of Rita Hayworth.
Comments: 5
Airbag pranks are ten-a-penny o the internets, but DAMN are they funny. The most enjoyment I've got out of them has bee from this montage so it comes highly recommended. Some are truly spectacular. Enjoy!
Comments: 3
I'm not a big fan of cushions. The girlfriend LOVES them, but even she doesn't love them as much as this little leg-humper does. The moment his masters are out of the door he's making them his b#tches. Bow chicka wow wow.
Comments: 2