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RIP Journalism
If it wasn't already dead, it definitely is now. reporting that one celebrity has unfollowed another celebrity as if it is something that should matter to anybody is the sound of journalistic failure.
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No need for explainations, kitty. We all know that Ernie is a power-bottom and if you got the chance to get with a celebrity, wouldn't you take it?
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This is a shirt for the everyday guy! We all know we're a bunch of dickheads, now we have a shirt to illustrate that fact!
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If you think about it pulling the early shift at a hotel does have some serious advantages, you get to tidy up the carnage from the night before. Now to just drag them to the janitors closet...
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Wearing a Buzz Lightyear fancy dress costume is one thing, but crafting your very own replica to wear to cosplay events is taking it a little far. To be honest even knowing the word cosplay is a pretty bad sign...
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She's got NES panties on, the Linux penguin, Tux, on her tee and she's suggestively sucking on a Wii-mote.
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Get ready to vomit cuteness all over your monitor with the accompanying sound of "AWwwwwwwww!" - For something SO evil & vicious they sure make you go all weak at the knees!
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This girl starts out looking hot and then the face dysmorphia sets in and she turns aquatic. Why o why would she do such a thing? What next, is she going to grow gills and go live under the sea?
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Oh the sheer joy of a new life coming into this world, it's overwhelming isn't it. A little miracle, I bet you can't wait to craddle it in your arms. It's just so...Oh hang I think I just got a text from my BFF...
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It either feels like the developers at Facebook had some monthly quota to fill for UI changes, or one of the lead programmers got made redundant half-way thru his latest project and decided to go out with a BANG!
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Thrones? Why, what did I say? Am I the only one that thinks all movies and TV shows should be rated like this, perhaps in the listings, so you don't waste your precious time?
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