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Insane Bike Test On Live TV FAIL!
I can never remember whether there are no do-overs in life or in live TV. In this case, it's probably both.
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One minute it's not down, the next it's hit the deck. No surprises here, not if you read the title. Still, penguins are pretty funny to watch and combine that with a spell of amusing clumsiness and this could be the next big viral vid.
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If he is, he'll do this when you play this tune to him. If he isn't he'll try to dance like this, but probably won't pull it off with such panache. If he's Meixcan, he'll probably just fall asleep instead. LOL! YAY RACISM! :D
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Kids say the funniest things, right? Well someone's been talking to this little one about some x-rated material, they've not been using the birds and the bees version either. Cover your ears people.
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The Man, The Legend, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fan. Behold him in all his glory - WTF?
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Literal versions may be played out, MSPaint stuff may be passe, but Thrift Shop? That tune is a class act. No matter what you do, if you're doing it to a Macklemore track I'm probably going to enjoy it...
Comments: 2
Remember the winter, you know, when it gets cold & stuff. This is a demonstration of something interesting you can do when it's too cold to do anything fun outside. Freeze a bubble. Then go back indoors.
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The Brazilian cops perform an epic FAIL with a very important prisoner - Cue samba version of "The Benny Hill Show" theme song. Who left that pesky window open anyway?
Comments: 1
If she is like that with potato chips think what she is going to be like when you get they saucy little minx home, she would go totally wild on you.
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When you watch this in slow motion it's surprising how much this kids face compresses when the ball slams into it.
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I suppose it's logical to put the two together to create something so powerful, so amazing, it's surprising the internet hasn't collapsed.
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