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WTF Cat-Flap Surprise!
Oh dear! Something tells me i bet they didn't expect THAT to come flying through the kitty door! What the hell is gonna come next i wonder, lets hope it's not a hunter?
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This chubby redneck must have been a pitbull terrrier in his previous life!
Comments: 3
If you're going to get mad at someone while driving your car, it's best if a) you have a good reason, and b) get your own back without ever leaving your vehicle. This guys ticks both boxes and is highly amusing to boot.
Comments: 25
With a GoPro camera set up on his cabinet this guy recorded himself doing the same dance routine every day. Now all he needs to do is get himself a girlfriend and he can take her out dancing.
Comments: 1,578
This is Lithuanian Žydrūnas Savickas who lifts, albeit momentarily, over 523kg of weight. Okay, it might not be above his head, but still, you wouldn't want to have a quarrel with the guy.
Comments: 1
Snoop Dogg likes to smoke. This is a widely celebrated fact. Mostly by Mr. Dogg in his lyrics. If you prefer your celebrations more visual, how about this weird but awesome little video mashup?
Comments: 208
A great little mashup that seemlessly blends the intro from Cheers with the original trilogy of Star Wars films. Not the prequels, because nobody wants to go to a pub where they let the likes of Jar Jar Binks in.
Comments: 6
Remember that carefully wrapped packaage that arrived all bent out of shape? You know what, we think it might be time to stop using shipping altogether. Just look at how they treat these items, not any f*cks were given here.
Comments: 0
It's time to turn the WTF dial up to 11 & contact Mulder and Scully, because this sh#t just got REAL! Barricade the doors & board up your windows, because this thing bites & spreads a weird virus! Be afraid!
Comments: 0
Murphy will take care of your pride n joy - as long as you don't mind a few extra dings on your return !
Comments: 2
Don’t deny it, you know you have. And you loved it. The only problem is CAN you put it into such eloquent words the way this small child seems to be able to do? Something tells me, NO.
Comments: 3