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Turbocharged Car Test FAIL!
These guys are testing out an engine they have just spent over 120 hours building & turbo charging and it runs completely out of test track just 2 hours before the owner is expected to pick it up. Oops!
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Using an iPhone 4 and you get some slightly weird results filming a guitar. It picks up on the individual osculations of the strings at just the right frequency to make them look all cool and wibbly-wobbly.
Comments: 7
Well worth doing if you have the following: A swimming pool, a cat who likes drinking out of a swimming pool, a friend with a video cam, a nice day and big lungs. This can only be done once, cats are smart.
Comments: 3
Mirrors: Bad for ugly people's self-esteem for over 200,000 years. Calm down lady, it's not like you have never seen that face staring back at you before!
Comments: 2
The pilot doesn't start high enough on a low flying loop and ejects out of his plane sending it crashing into the ground.
Comments: 1
If you thought Go-Karting was for just for kids, you'd better think again. It's where Senna started off and if this video is anything to go by it's hella fast. If that was me I'd need to pit stop for fresh underwear.
Comments: 10
We all like to see someone get pwnd and there are many different ways you can do it; fireworks are always a good start
Comments: 0
You blew it. She's definitely going to have a headache tonight.
Comments: 0
What could be worse that getting caught frapping on the sofa? Getting caught frapping to 2 girls 1 cup and then trying to talk the chick who caught you into helping out. LOL!
Comments: 0
Having an intensely awkward demeanor doesn't mean you can't be a comedian. Take this guy for instance. He's probably the most awkward guy I've ever seen but despite only having heard one joke he's my new favorite comedian!
Comments: 0
An exhaustive investigation of all the reasons that the Call Of Duty series is a great big pile of shit. He makes some good points and he didn't even get round to talking about the DLC or yearly update nonsense.
Comments: 4