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One Foul-Mouthed Kid!
Break open the carbolic soap and get ready to wash this skater-kid's mouth out with soap & water till only words fit for nursery skool come out of it - Where the hell did he learn this stuff?
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After more Lego themed games than you could shake a multitude of sticks at it's about damn time that they moved into creating feature length movies in the inimitable Lego style. Here's what that might look like.
Comments: 8
Ducklings are posiibly nature's cutest and most adorable creation. The wheels on a juggernaut are nature's most uncaring creation. Will the two meet or will this video have a happy ending? Place your bets now!
Comments: 1
Waay after youve drained the bag & tipped every last crumb into your eager mouth like your very life depended it, there's always the best part of the doritos left over. The orange finger fuzz. Enjoy.
Comments: 2
You never know when you are going to swim in the icy waters of Cape Wrath, Scotland and have no clothes. Happens all the time to Bear Grylls, so he finds the remains of a seal carcass and fashions a wetsuit from its blubbery hide.
Comments: 4
This is kinda gross but also fascinating. It's impressive watching a lung inflate, but I wouldn't want balloons like this at my birthday party, personally. Well, maybe if they were filled with helium...
Comments: 2
I'm sure if you are a feline then there is no substitute for some fine pussy - Butt there are some rules to observe! - It is pretty difficult to explain to a cat that there's no touching!
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I know, I know. There's loads of videos just like this all over youtube, but you know what? There's a reason they are popular, so stop being such a hipster surfer and sit back and enjoy!
Comments: 1
I've seen hundreds of front flip wipeouts over the years but this guy not only lands his flip but does it while clearing twenty feet.
Comments: 3
This kid pulls off a pretty sweet flip from a swing onto his waiting bike. Unfortunately, all his friends were busy getting driver's licenses and dating girls so no one cared.
Comments: 6
Twice as rad as inlet surfing, and still half as radical as real surfing. OMG
Comments: 7