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The Spectacular TT
In most countries legal road racing is a thing of the past. Not on the Isle of Man. Over there it's a national institution. Here's a montage of racing highlights and some impressive but non-fatal bails.
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These guys listen to an alarm telling them to put their landing gear down and can't seem to remember to do it. They ruin their propeller, the bottom of their plane, and the chance anyone will ever fly with them.
Comments: 1
When Google turn their homepage into a musical instrument you can rely on Mr. Domino to coax a tune out of it. Not content with just playing a website, Brett even adds a bit of his inimitable pizazz.
Comments: 1
This just may answer that old question of nature vs. nurture: Are girls naturally terrible drivers or is it a learned behavior? I have a feeling that genetical research may well yield the answers to this mystery.
Comments: 5
Now here's a match that you would never consider to be made in heaven, more like planet 'WTF!?' They're probably not the most likely of friends, considering cats really hate water, but then love IS blind!
Comments: 7
Now this is some sophisticated hardware. It's based on interception, stopping the projectile before it reaches its intended target, effectively rendering it defunct and unable to complete its course and unleash its destruction.
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Ever wanted to be reincarnated as a hula hoop? It probably sounds like a stupid question and until I saw this video I would have agreed. Jebus, if you're listening, turn me into a hula hoop!
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This guy's angry. Like if Dr. Bruce Banner came home to find Betty Ross in bed with Wolverine. Calm the F down, it's only a goddamn bush. Skaters in New Jersey, beware. This guy injects steroids into his eyeballs for breakfast.
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Mocking this drama with a loving hand, the hilarious trailer covers the ridiculous amount of deaths, breasts and the utterly confusing assortment of characters that appear in HBO’s hit show.
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Just when you thought that you couldn't get any more confused about that weird webcam chick with the paranoia issues THIS happens! This might be the final piece of the jigsaw, or just another headache-inducing mystery!
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This is pretty much every guy's standard reaction after he's had an argument with his girlfriend—and after they've left the room so they can't hear you, you just need to make sure they don't catch you.
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