Sexy Shotgunning!
What's more awesome than party girls who drink beer? Party girls who shotgun beer! Watch these beauties suck down a load.
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There's a fine line between an amazing tattoo on a cute chick & an industry standard 'tramp stamp' that separates something guys want to drool at & a girl to be avoided!
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There's something magically beautiful about the mixture of hot chicks, nerdy costumes and tons of cleavage! Thank god for Comic-Con!
Comments: 390
A collection of girls doing weird things. Every single image will make you be all like "Wow, she's hawt, but why is she wearing a panda suit and trying to deep throat a stack of plastic cups" - Yup, the opposite sex are pretty weird.
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With each Cosplay convention that comes and goes the bar gets set higher & higher with regard to the best costumes. It's becoming increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd. These rise above the pretenders to the throne.
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It's not always a sure thing that when you point a camera in someone's direction that they will oblige with a pose and a smile. But when it comes to cuties the chances of success go through the roof, smile or not!
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Partying is fine but unless you're partying hard there's really no point. It's like they always say: If you're not absolutely bombed then you might as well not exist. Everyone here knows that & follows that mantra to the letter.
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A collection of fails so fundamentally obvious that there can only be two explanations; Either the person did it on purpose or they had an episode and went 'full retard'.
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Wouldn't it be great if Hollywood lost all of the horrible 'shopped' ridden-mess it pumps out when launching a film and got back to basics. These posters make the film's advertised about a thousand times more interesting.
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Time for photographic evidence to prove that women & alcohol are possibly the greatest combination ever - It's like the perfect blend of cutie chemistry, creating a raunchy reaction that dudes everywhere cannot stop drooling over - YES!!!!
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Nobody does f#&k YEAH better than the Americans, everything they turn their hand to they have an ability to do it like a BOSS. The only problem is, along with the good stuff, it's exactly the same with the bad. GO USA!
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